Joaquin De Losada
More about me
Game Projects
AI projects
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About Me
Greetings! My name is Joaquin De Losada, and I am a 24-year-old American-Peruvian who recently graduated from Brock University (Ontario). My main focus has been around being a software engineer for games and more specifically AI/NPC systems and how players are able to interact with them as well as other systems that are implemented in games.
AI Related Projects
For the past year I have been working on different AI projects and this section is meant to contain the released projects that Ive worked on until now.
AI Hieracacly Finite State Machine
Sortly after finsihing the initial Finite state machine I had decided that it would be a good desicion and go back to certain parts of the project so that they can run better and the transitions could run smoother. This idea lead me to go through certain methods that were commen for some of the state while not for others and then merge them into their appropiate parent states while also drasticly improving how the states transition between each other.
AI Finite State Machine
I designed and made a rudimentary Finite State Machine (FSM) in Unity during a 4-month timeline. The project was intended to learn and better understand the typical considerations of working around AI systems and their different limitations and possibilities when correctly done. This version of the FSM contains five (5) main states: Patrol, Idle, Aggression, Attack, and Cover, which the AI will transition to depending on whether it sees the player, proximity to said player vs the distance to cover points, and a few other internal reasons. I have enjoyed the process immensely, which has led me to continue working on the project and work on more complex projects revolving around AI systems for games.
Game Projects
Below are some projects I've worked on over the years in unity that I've worked on in groups and alone as a solo dev. If you are interested in reading more about the projects, you can visit my Unity project page, where I go into deeper detail on what I've worked on in each project.
Ubisoft Next Competition
Recently I partook in the Ubisoft Next Programming competition where I programmed a basic bomberman style game using C++ and a basic render provided by Ubisoft. I had done this as a way to test my C++ skills in a simple 72 hour project. Through out the competition I was able to use my knowladge of C++ as well as other programming languages to solve most challenges that would appear during the 72 hours.
Dont Fail the Course
As part of my third year at Brock, I took a course that allowed me to work in a group to go through the entire production process for a project. For the project, our group decided to make a simple 2.5D game where you played as a student trying to finish their scheduled classes by fighting professors and students or solving puzzles.