About Me
Hello, I am Joaquin De Losada, a 24-year-old American-Peruvian. I recently graduated with a Bacheloret in Interactive Arts and Science and a minor in Computer Science from Brock University. While working on my undergraduate I enjoyed working on solving distinct programming problems, primarily related to AI systems and how they are implemented in games. Over the past year, I've geard my studies and expeirnece around learning and working on AI systems for games as they allow me to experience the entire game design and creation process while keeping me focused on a smaller area of game creation. My life in Peru has also allowed me to experience many outdoor activities and has created a passion for camping and rock climbing in the wilderness. Because of this passion during my time in Peru, Id previously climbed a roughly 5000-meter mountain and enjoyed it so much that I always wanted to make a similar trip again but to an even higher peak.